Thursday 26 July 2012


 Web 2.0 technologies Traversal believes can positively impact customer service are as follow:
1.      Interaction. Use channels to provide human interaction and take on board customer feedback. These could include real time chat, instant messenger
2.      Personalization. Deliver a personalized experience by providing tailored content in response to queries, such as special offers or added information.
3.      RSS. Keep customers and partners updated with changes to areas of interest automatically through RSS feeds.
4.      User communities. Build communities that enable users to exchange information and help self-support.
5.      Blogging. Engage in dialogue with customers through relevant and tailored blogs.
6.      Social networking. Build links with relevant social networks through interaction and posting tailored information.
7.      Search Engine Optimization. Tailor your website to ensure that queries are pushed quickly to the correct page from internet search engines such as Google.
8.      Tagging. Allow users to rate usefulness of answers and information provided to gather valuable feedback on customer service effectiveness.
9.      Wikis. Use wikis to share information quickly, particularly for a technical audience.
10.  Podcasts. Make information and updates available through other channels than your website through channels as podcasts and video updates.

Summary of Features:
  1. Simplicity
  2. Precise layout, Surfaces
  3. Columns
  4. Separate top section
  5. Solid areas of screen
  6. Simple navigation
  7. Logos - Editable
  8. Text - Editable, Colors
  9. Bold text introductions, Cute icons
Upgrading from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0

Web 1.0 ------------------             Web 2.0

DoubleClick  ------------------------                  Google AdSense
Ofoto  ---------------------------------                 Flickr
Akamai           ------------------------                 BitTorrent -----------------------------                  Napster
Britannica Online------------------                    Wikipedia
personal websites    ---------------                    blogging
evite    ---------------------------------        and EVDB
domain name speculation -----                        search engine optimization
page views    ------------------------                   cost per click
screen scraping       --------------                      web services
publishing  --------------------------                   participation
content management systems                         wikis
directories (taxonomy)-----------                     tagging ("folksonomy")
stickiness      ------------------------                   syndication
instant messaging  ---------------                      Twitter ------------------------                   LinkedIn

Subject                    : My Personal Experience for the Web 2.0 Learning Opportunity
Venue                      : Faculty of Agriculture,
                                  University of Mauritius (UoM),
                                  Republic of Mauritius
Dates & time           : July 23-27 July 2012 (0900hrs - 1700hrs)

Dear All,

Web 2.0 tools is nowadays necessities for all the people - children, youth and oldies without any limits.  I am hereby to share my personal experience of the Web 2.0 tools and i can say it was as wonderful as a journey to a mysterious world. Why mysterious? As all the tools are available free, going through them but never try to use as we were unknown of this.  

1st Day
  • RSS
New Homes - realtors can provide updated feeds of new home listings on the market

Job Openings - placement firms and newspapers can provide a classifieds feed of job vacancies

Auction Items - auction vendors can provide feeds containing items that have been recently added to ebay or other auction sites

Forum Headlines - support forums can provide a listing of new forum threads

Product Sales or Specials - one look at Amazon opens the mind to the endless product sale potential using RSS. Currently Amazon delivering a headline-view of the top 10 bestsellers in that category or set of search results.

Airlines - report flight delays

Entertainment - listings of the latest tv programs or movies at local theatres

Press Distribution - feed for press with new releases

Bookmarks and other external links - perfect for sharing lists of external links

Calendars - listings of past or upcoming events, deadlines or holidays

Law Enforcement - let the community know of location and status of sex offenders as they move into a community.

Search results - to let people track changing or new results to their searches

RSS in the Government - Site details how RSS is used by various government agencies

2nd Day
  • Google Document & Wikis
Google search inside a spreadsheet & formwhere we can design heavy formats of surveys and application forms helping to sharing it online or email.

Color-coded live comments - comment coloring on the fly, or create their own custom coloring scheme

Backup methods - Up to 5GB of usage is possible where we can store our word documents, presentation, drawings, statistic tables and scripts
Readers’ guides: Have your students create readers’ guides to share their favorite and most important parts of works you’ve read in class.

Solving wiki: Post difficult math problems, such as calculus, so that the class can collaboratively solve them.

Student portfolios : Assign portfolio pages to each of your students, and allow them to display and discuss their work.

Correction competition: You can post a document riddled with mistakes, then have students compete to see who can fix the most errors fastest.

Peer editing: Ask students to edit each others’ work for spelling, grammar, and facts based on a style guide or rules you’ve defined..

Organize ideas: Allow group members to post their ideas in a wiki, and you’ll cut down on duplicate ideas, while at the same time allowing them to build upon the ideas.

Fan clubs: Start fan clubs for your students’ favorite figures from history and ask them to contribute their favorite quotes, photos, and other tidbits together.

Local history: Document historical buildings, events, and more from our community. You can ask students to perform interviews, and encourage parents and other adults to contribute their knowledge in the wiki.

Community FAQ: Ask students to create an FAQ for their community, then pass it on to your next group of students.

3rd Day
  •  Google Mapping & Blogger Session
Map Location - Any particular place can pinpoint and shape as to be recognized by myself.

Map tracer - Trace a path from a start point to a destination point and enable to calculate its distance.  Also, acting as guide for a particular unknown place.

Zoom image - enable you to have a real image capabilities options

Personal mapping - Make history of my past traveling path around the world including its times, place and duration.

Commercial purposes - Numerous people set up their blogs so as to advertise their products or services to Internet users.

Collection of customer feedback - Major organizations set up their own blogs so as to reach out to their customers and collect their feedback or comments about their experiences with them. Blogs may also be used to broadcast news about new policies, products or services.

4th Day
  • LinkedIn & Facebook

5th Day but the 1st
  • iMark

Tuesday 24 July 2012

My First Post

Que fait le centre d’expérimentation d’Albion ? Le dernier rapport de l’Audit a recommandé sa fermeture ou sa privatisation. Le ministre de l’Agro-industrie et de la sécurité alimentaire Satish Faugoo a effectué une visite à Belle-Vue ExperimentStation, à Albion, pour un état des lieux et prendre connaissance des travaux de recherche et de développement entrepris conjointement par une équipe comprenant des techniciens chinois et mauriciens.

*      Les projets et les activités du centre d’expérimentation d’Albion portent sur la production de canetons destinés aux éleveurs, l’insémination artificielle (porc et chèvre), la culture de légumes hydroponiques ainsi que la production de semences. Ces projets font partie du programme de coopération Maurice-Chine qui remonte à plus de quatre décennies.
*      Intervenant lors d’un point de presse précédant la visite guidée, Satish Faugoo, tout en faisant référence au dernier rapport de l’Audit, a rappelé que “malgré les coûts, il est dans l’intérêt de l’industrie locale de préserver les intérêts des petits éleveurs”.
*      “Au fait, nous sommes confrontés à deux écoles de pensée : l’une affichée par l’Audit préconisant la fermeture et la privatisation de la station d’Albion ; l’autre veut la survie de celle-ci. Or, la fermeture ou la privatisation aura des répercussions sur les petits éleveurs. Les intrants qui coûtent cher mettront les petits éleveurs hors-jeu. Cet aspect surpasse l’aspect économique”, a précisé Satish Faugoo. Il avance l’argumentation qu’en dépit des coûts, il est nécessaire pour l’industrie locale de préserver les intérêts des petits éleveurs. “Leurs intérêts  doivent primer devant une éventuelle privatisation.”
*      Le ministre a remercié le gouvernement chinois qui a aidé Maurice à faire face à l’épizootie de la fièvre porcine africaine qui a sévi dans le pays en 2007. Rappelant que deux experts chinois étaient dépêchés à Maurice pendant une période de deux ans, il souligne que “le cheptel porcin qui était de 18 000 était réduit à 4 000 suite à cette épidémie. Aujourd’hui, compte tenu de l’aide et du soutien gouvernemental apportés aux éleveurs, le cheptel est repassé à 25 000. C’est un succès total”.

En revanche, le ministre de l’Agro-industrie affirme que les semences constituent un des problèmes majeurs. Il se réjouit que la production de lait à Maurice, qui était de 2 % en 2008, a augmenté à 11 % en 2012 ; la production de viande qui était de 5 % est passée à 10 %, soit le double en 3 à 4 ans.